
Tuesday 30 July 2013

My learning Goals for Term 3

My Learning Goals for Term 3:
My Reading goal is to...
Understand the language differences of written communication and dialogue within or between texts.

My Writing goal is to ...
Focus on using different language features to help move up a level in my writing

My Maths goal is to ...
learn my times tables from 2 - 12 so that I can answer math equations quicker that I do now

My personal goal is to ...

Co-operate in different sport events that occur in our school area so that I can gain more confidence in my sports.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Chasity, you have identified great goals for Term 3. You have made a great start to Term 3. Keep up the positive learning and engagement for learning and you will be able to achieve these goals this term. How do you think your family can help you achieve your goals?
