
Monday 2 May 2011

Chasity Term 2 Goals

Term Two Learning Goals
My learning goal for Reading this term is:
To read more chapter books at school more often.
To achieve this goal,
I will need to read my books every night before I go to bed.
My whanau can help me achieve this by
Making the words challenging for me so if I read that same book again I will know the words off by heart.

My learning goal for Writing this term is
To do my work with out talking to a friend or mucking around like playing hand games.
To achieve this goal, I will need to
Keep on doing my work without talking to my friends when I’m typing my writing.
My whanau can help me achieve this by:
Sitting down with me and supporting me by checking if it makes sense and has full stops in the correct places and making sure that I have the capital letters in the right places too!

My learning goal for Maths this term is:
To learn my times tables all the way to 12 times tables so that I can get better at recalling them quickly.
To achieve this goal, I will need to:
To learn them everyday after school and before I go to school.
My whanau can help me achieve this by:
Supporting me so that I get better at maths.

My personal goal this term is
To be careful what game I go into because I might go into something that I don’t know and virus might come up.
To achieve this goal, I will need to:
Go into a different site I know, in case a virus comes up.
My whanau can help me achieve this by:
Nan watching me or my brother on the computer in case a virus comes up, so if a virus does come, up she can fix it.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty good goals for a year 5 :) keep it up my friend!
    By mei
    Bye^^ <3
